Monday, January 24
San Joaquin Home
My dearest fiancé,
Yes, my dear, I shall go to France with you for our honeymoon. How could I refuse such a charming, romantic gesture? Not to mention the assurance that such a journey will guarantee that I shall have you all to myself. So I shall accept your grand design with much pleasure.
The miniature was painted by a most interesting woman who had a stall in the San Diego market. She was once an escaped slave, by name of Marguerite Dumas, and has no formal training. I was attracted by the vibrancy of her work. I do not have an address for her - perhaps I should write to Audra and ask her to seek Miss Dumas out.
Victoria and I had little difficulty finding Bill and Stella, his wife. I have asked Bill to give me away, and Stella to be an attendant. I shall also ask Annie and Audra. So you shall have Brett, Nick, and Heath, and our wedding party is complete. When shall I meet Brett? He sounds a fascinating character. Perhaps we should have a dinner party for the wedding participants - what do you think? I should love for you to meet Bill and Stella before the wedding.
I wish you a speedy trial, my love, so that I may have you to myself for a while. Until then, I shall remain your loving fiancée,
Cattlemen's Hotel
My dearest fiancée,
I am so glad you wish to go to France - I admit I rather had my heart set on it. For entirely selfish reasons, I admit - that I might have you to myself without interruption. We shall feast on wine and brioche and shall stroll along the sand together. What could be sweeter?
Your artist sounds a most interesting woman. I shall certainly write Audra and ask her to present our commission. Would you be pleased to wear your motley for the portrait? It has such pleasant associations for me, and I think the vibrancy of your dress shall suit your artist's style.
We should have an engagement party sometime this spring. Although I am sure most of Stockton shall know of it before then, it is still a charming custom. And yes, we should have a dinner for the bridal party, and soon. Will your Bill and Stella be able to come to Stockton? I know that theater people have such different schedules. Do write and ask them when they can come. I am eager for you to meet Brett. He is a charming, albeit well-reformed, rogue. I think you will like him.
The trial proceeds apace, but I do not hope that it will be wrapped up this week. I shall need to work on Saturday, but I shall escort you to Church on Sunday, and pray that you shall spend the day at the ranch. Next week is the ball at the Coopers', Shall we make our first public appearance as an engaged couple? Be sure to wear your ring right-side out, love. Until then, I am your loving fiancé,
Wednesday, February 9
Barkley Ranch
Miss Holt,
Is this tit for tat, love? I, too, must send my delight in the beautiful, and highly appropriate, gift you sent for my birthday by letter. Where did you acquire them, Feather? I have not seen such exquisite fishing flies in San Francisco, much less Stockton. Or did you, as I suspect, tie them yourself?
I do not know when I shall use them - I hardly like to waste whatever free time I might have by being away from you. You would not want to come fishing with me, would you, dearest?
Mother has had a letter from Audra - the doctor has given permission for Emily and John to return to Stockton with the onset of warmer weather. We are hoping for an early spring - we all miss her so much, and from the tone of her letters she seems much changed. I fear we shall hardly know her - but I am sure that however mature Audra becomes, she will retain her spirit and headstrong ways. May she find a way to put them to good use.
So we shall have to further postpone the wedding participants' dinner until she returns, but Brett is coming this weekend to help celebrate my birthday. I look forward to your meeting.
With much love, your fiancé,
San Joaquin Home
My dearest fiancé,
Of course you shall go fishing, my love, and by yourself. Every lover dreads to part from his beloved, but every husband delights to. Really, sweetest, if you think you shall have no need for 'not-thinking,' then you must think that I shall make you stupid. No, love, you shall still have a need for occasional solitude, delightful as I expect our coming together shall be.
I am glad you find the flies beautiful - yes, I did tie them myself. I used to tie all my father's flies for him - he said he caught more fish with my flies than with any other. I hope you have the same success with them. I shall even promise to clean all that you catch.
I am glad you have heard from Audra. I, too, shall pray for an early spring. I have missed her - I never had a sister, and I delight in Audra's feminine spirits. I look forward to seeing what she becomes.
Oh, good, I am so delighted to be meeting Brett at last. How amusing that you number felons among your friends, yet - you have such a gift for aiding people to become their best selves, my dearest - not at all surprising. I am certain of a most charming and delightful weekend.
Until I see you, my sweet, I remain your loving fiancée,
Monday, February 14
San Joaquin Home
My dearest fiancé.
Oh, dear, my cheeks hurt from smiling. I do not believe that I have ever laughed so heartily in my life! Your Brett is quite the raconteur - he even makes prison seem amusing. I cannot believe that all his stories are true, but he is certainly entertaining. Perhaps he belongs on the stage, or the lecture circuit. Or a novelist. I could see him doing any of those things.
It was good to hear you laugh so heartily yourself, my love. For although you have an ironic and humorous outlook, I do not think I have heard you laugh full-out more than five times since I have known you. I am glad Brett is your friend - you should have more such.
Would it be possible for us to go to San Francisco this weekend? I have had a letter from Stella - their show closes at the end of this month. I would like to take you to see it, as Stella is an inspired Shrew, and they are not sure where they will be next, as it depends on whether they can get backing for their next show. I would so love you to meet them, and soon. Will it be possible?
I think I feel a stir of warmth in the air, but I fear it is merely a wish - I do miss Audra, and Emily and John. So many empty spaces to fill.
Until I see you again, my love, I remain your loving fiancée,
Barkley Ranch
My dearest fiancée,
Do I not laugh enough to suit you, my love? I shall have to try to remedy that. You certainly give me great joy, and are often amusing as well, my sweet - I should make an outward expression of that. Or perhaps I take such pleasure from your laughter - and you do have a most engaging laugh, love - that I neglect to laugh myself. I shall try to do better.
I am glad you like Brett - we have been through so much together, both good and ill, that in many ways he is even closer to me than my brothers. How sweet and womanly of you not to hold his past against him. I don't know how I would acquire more such as he - I feel fortunate to have even one such.
I do not know what Brett will do now that he has served his time. He once wanted to be a lawyer, and I still think that he would make an excellent one, if we can get him restored to the Bar. What a criminal lawyer he would make! Alas, he refuses to partner with me, though I have offered. He says it would put too much strain on our friendship, but I wonder if he truly has a passion for it, or whether it is something that only I wish for. Novelist, now, I never thought of that. Perhaps you should make your suggestions to him when next we see him.
Yes, I believe that I can get away to San Francisco this weekend. Shall we take Mother, or go alone? The social forms are not so rigid for us, since we have both been widowed, but still - let us be somewhat daring and go just ourselves, Feather. There are always so many people in this house, I never seem to get you to myself. What say you, Molly? Will you go to San Francisco with just your loving
My dearest Jarrod,
Of course we shall go to San Francisco alone - I never intended anything else. I, too, long to have you to myself for a while, daring or not. I shall look forward to it eagerly.
Your loving
Monday, February 21
San Joaquin Home
My dearest, darling fiancé,
Oh, my Jarrod, you were right - we do need to be alone more often. I had almost forgotten the heat of your kiss, the tenderness of your caress. I could wish that we were man and wife already, that I might enjoy the fullness of your embrace.
Am I immodest, my love? But then, I am no maiden. Ah, but Henry never made my heart beat like thunder, as you do. Perhaps he was too old, or I too young. Or, well as I loved him, he was not the other half of my heart, as you are, dearest Jarrod. I long for the day when we are one, body and soul.
And once wife, perhaps mother? I fear I am too old, yet I would like to bear your children - a fine son, to carry on your name and your strength and courage; a lovely daughter, to cherish and to love. Oh, dear, I have spoiled the paper. Well, all shall be as it shall be. I can but hope.
I am as ever, your most loving and devoted,
Barkley Ranch
Via hand
Dearest Molly,
I hardly know how to respond to your most touching and tear-stained letter. But a letter is inadequate - I shall stop by the orphanage this afternoon after your class and we shall talk together. If you are ill-prepared for your pupils tomorrow as a result, so be it. I shall be there for you, dearest.
Tuesday, March 8
San Joaquin Home
Dearest Jarrod,
Now, who should I meet on my way to the dressmaker's this afternoon but Stella and Bill! It seems they have received backing to do repertory in Stockton from none other than Victoria! Why did no one tell me? I admit that I feel rather peeved, although certainly happy - no, overjoyed - to have them here, along with most of the old troupe, but still! I feel slighted. Forgive me if I refrain from my usual outpouring of sentiment, Jarrod. What is going on over there?
Barkley Ranch
My dearest fiancée,
I have spoken to Mother - believe me, dearest Feather, no slight was intended. She had meant to surprise you when you came this weekend, but your chance encounter has rather spoiled that. I had told her of their situation when we went up to San Francisco, and she saw an opportunity to both bring some culture to Stockton and to bring you pleasure. Please do not take it ill, Feather, it was kindly meant. Stella and Bill will be joining us for dinner on Saturday - I know you will enjoy that. Do not be angry with us, Molly - we all love you so.
I enclose a kiss for you to carry until Saturday.
Your loving fiancé,
Dearest Jarrod,
I am sorry, dearest. I should have known. I shall apologize to Victoria when I see her, as well. I look forward to Saturday and kissing you in earnest, love.
Your loving and contrite fiancée,
Monday, march 14
Barkley Ranch
My dearest fiancée,
Great news, dearest! Mother has had a letter from Audra and she is bringing Emily and John home next week. I know how you have missed your pupils, and both of us my sister. Emily and John send along their greetings and wish us to tell you that they have missed you, but have endeavored to keep up their studies over the past months. I am sure, if they have fallen behind, that you will be able to bring them up to the bar in short order.
They will be arriving Thursday week - would you like to give your pupils a holiday and bring them to the ranch on the Friday for a homecoming celebration? Nick wishes to kill the fatted calf - literally - and have a Barbeque. I think he misses the children since he no longer nurses them. Be sure to invite Mrs. Gregson as well.
So with the entire wedding party in Stockton - except for Brett - perhaps we should start planning that dinner party we have so often discussed? Shall I write to Brett and see when he may come?
Audra also sends word that she has found your artist, Miss Dumas, and has engaged her to come paint our wedding portrait. So much is falling into place. If we are to wed the first of June - and it is your prerogative to set the date, love - then we should have the banns read out the first of May. The time seems so long when I am alone - especially at night, dearest - but so short when I consider what remains to be done. Are your preparations in order, Feather? Do not hesitate to ask for help if you need it - we consider ourselves your family already. Do not allow etiquette to dictate that you do everything yourself just because you have no living relatives. Mother and, I am sure, Audra especially would be delighted to aid you.
In delightful anticipation, I remain your loving fiancé,
San Joaquin Home
My dearest Jarrod,
Have I not set the date yet? By all means, the first of June, as soon as possible following the end of school. I have been counting on your mother’s help - I shall sit down and talk with her this weekend concerning what remains to be done and request her aid.
I am so glad Audra is returning, and bringing my pupils back to me. We have all missed them so. I certainly shall accept your kind invitation on behalf of my pupils - we should be delighted to attend a homecoming Barbeque. What a charming idea of Nick's. We shall have such fun, I am sure.
Yes, do see when Brett may come - although I am sure a mid-week dinner will best suit Stella and Bill. Their repertory opens on Friday with Much Ado About Nothing. Would you like to attend the opening night cast party? We are invited - I think you shall enjoy it, and I would love to introduce you to the rest of the company so that they may envy me my good fortune. I do hope you say yes - I rather have my heart set on it.
I, too, count the days too short and the nights too long until I am your bride, dearest Jarrod. Until then I remain your ever faithful and loving fiancée,
My darling Feather,
I should be delighted to attend the cast party, although I believe that if anyone is to be envied, it is I. I am sure that your friends, who have loved you so long, will agree with me. I shall take you to dinner beforehand, Feather. It is sure to be a most charming evening.
Until then, remember how much I love you,
Tuesday, March 29
San Joaquin Home
My dearest fiancé,
Enclosed please find the thank-yous of all my grateful pupils. Please be sure that all your family sees them, especially the drawing that Timmy made of Nick. It is quite charming. We all had such fun at the Barbeque, but most of all we are glad to have our loved ones home.
I knew that I missed Audra, but I had no idea how much. I am quite pleasantly tired this week, as we could hardly sleep for talking late into each night. I hope she will share some of those secrets with the family, but I will say no more. I am pleased - I hope you shall be also.
She has done such an excellent job with Emily and John - they are not behind at all. To the contrary, they are both so much more knowledgeable than I could expect - all the time they spent out in Nature has made them both more inquisitive and more observant. I only hope they do not find my lessons too dull. Perhaps, with the warmer weather, all of us will spend more time out-of-doors in God's Creation. It can only do us good.
Victoria has been very helpful regarding the wedding plans - she is such a sensible woman and has a way of cutting to the heart of things and making them so much simpler. Has she given you your list of things to do yet, dearest?
So Brett is coming and we shall have the dinner party on the 6th, and Marguerite is coming to paint the portrait on the 9th. Is that enough time? I have never had my portrait painted before - I have no idea what is needed, but I feel great anticipation. The days draw on apace, my love, but never soon enough until I am your bride. Until then I am as ever your
Barkley Ranch
My dearest Feather,
Thank you for passing along your pupils' notes - they have given us much pleasure, particularly the picture of Nick. We never knew he was so tall, or had so many arms. Mother wishes to have it framed and hung in the front hall, but Nick is protesting.
I am sorry you are fatigued, my dear, but glad of the reason. It is delightful to see you and Audra as sisters, a lack in both of you up until now. If by her secrets, you mean has she shown us her notebook and her microscope, then yes, she has. Audra has always had a talent for drawing, and her drawings of San Diego's little sea creatures are exquisite, but I am much more impressed by the thoroughness of her recorded observations. It seems our Audra has finally found her passion, and it is Natural History. We are discussing how best to further her education - college or private tuition, but it is an exciting time for all of us. We are only sad that it means she shall leave us, but that would have happened eventually at any rate.
Yes, Mother has given me my list, but it is not onerous. I am glad she was able to lighten your load, dearest. Our wedding should be a joy and a pleasure, not a burden to be endured.
Yes, Brett will be here, and all our other guests, for the dinner party next Wednesday. Miss Dumas assures me she has plenty of time to have the portrait finished before the wedding, so do not fear, Feather. Even if all our other plans should fail, we shall still be wed on June first, and that is all that matters. Until then, I am ever your loving fiancé,
Thursday, April 7
San Joaquin Home
My dearest Jarrod,
Oh, my head! I seem to have imbibed too much wine at the dinner party. I am afraid I was of no use today as a teacher, but the fine weather allowed me an excuse to have a field day. Emily and John are so knowledgeable of Natural History, and so patient with the little ones, that they left me little to do, for which I am grateful. Do you have any need for tadpoles? The children have collected an abundance.
How much I learned last night - I never knew how large a role Annie had played in our meeting. Would you really not have seen me that day without her intercession? How odd that feels to me now - that our future lives and happiness were decided by one small kind act. It almost makes me believe in a loving God.
And Brett a secret playwright - did you know that before Bill got it out of him? Did I not tell you he was the creative type? I am sure Bill and Stella will be most happy to help him develop that talent - they are excellent mentors.
I am sorry we shall be out of the country for Annie's wedding this summer. We must find her an excellent wedding present while we are in France. I am very happy for her - Keith is an excellent young man. He reminds me rather of Nick - boisterous and gentle all at once. But, alas, you shall have to find a new secretary. Well, time enough to deal with that once we return.
I shall not expect a reply, dearest, since I shall see you tomorrow night, and then Marguerite arrives on Saturday. I am so excited, even though right now my head hurts like blazes.
Until then, I remain your loving